Marmelade d'oignon

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Recipe pictures

You’re cooking one of our recipes? Share the pictures of your culinary masterpiece on our website for a chance to win an awesome apron from Recipes Quebecoises. There will be a draw every month.


  • 1 lb d'oignon en tranches fines
  • 1/4 tasse de vinaigre
  • 1 tasse de sucre
  • environ 1 tasse de vin ou plus selon les goûts


  1. Mettre tout ensemble et cuire doucement jusqu'à ce que les oignons soient cuits à feu très doux. Mettre en pots.

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Picture contest

You’re cooking one of our recipes? Share the pictures of your culinary masterpiece on our website for a chance to win an awesome apron from Recipes Quebecoises. There will be a draw every month.


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