No Cook Fieldberry Jam

Print Category Fruit jam Thematic No thematic Source Certo Evaluation

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  • 1 cup (225 mL) crushed strawberries
  • 3/4 cup (175 mL) crushed raspberries
  • 1/2 cup (125 mL) crushed blueberries
  • 4 cups (925 mL) granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbsp (30 mL) lemon juice
  • 1 pouch Certo Liquid Fruit pectin


  1. Measure prepared fruit into large bowl. Add sugar to fruit and mix well. Let stand 10 minutes.
  2. Stir liquid fruit pectin and lemon juice. Continue to stir for 3 minutes until most of sugar is dissolved.
  3. Pour into clean jars or plastic containers. Cover with tight lids and let stand at room temperature until set (may take 24 hours). Store in freezer. If used within 3 weeks jam may be stored in refrigerator.

Cook commentary

Makes 5-1/2 cups (1300 mL).
Per tbsp (15 ml): 37 calories; 0.0 g protein; 0.0 g fat; 9.6 g carbohydrate.

Personal notes

Picture contest

You’re cooking one of our recipes? Share the pictures of your culinary masterpiece on our website for a chance to win an awesome apron from Recipes Quebecoises. There will be a draw every month.


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